Assessment of Groundwater Resources 地下水资源评价
carrying capacity of groundwater resources 地下水资源承载力
compreh ensive exploitation of resources 环境保护
development of groundwater resources 地下水资源开发
exhaustion of groundwater resources 地下水源枯竭
Exploitation of resources 资源开发
exploitation programs of groundwater resources 地下水开采方案
Protection of groundwater resources 地下水资源保护
recharge items of groundwater resources 地下水补给源
the Characteristics of Groundwater Resources 深层地下水
The Fourth Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration of Shandong Province 山东省第四地质矿产勘查院
Use of resources of light and temperature 光热资源利用
Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration of Liaoning Province 辽宁省地质矿产勘查局第九地质大队; 辽宁省地质矿产勘查局第五地质大队
characteristics of groundwater exploration 地下水勘查特点
check of groundwater exploitation 开采量校核
investigation of groundwater exploitation 开采量调查
over exploration of groundwater 超量开采
over-exploitation of groundwater 地下水超采; 超采